Travel Insurance Must Have

When travelling overseas, surely the top most thought in our minds, should be "Travel Insurance Must have".  A lot of travellers pay attention to details like accommodation, transport and flights. They might even plan on where to dine and play golf! However, very often way down the list, is that all essential task of arranging travel travel insurance! Read More

New Zealand penguin colonies and species

Many travellers choose to visit New Zealand for our nature and wildlife, especially penguins! Australia is also a great place to spot those penguins. If you visit New Zealand, you will get a number of New Zealand penguin colonies and species.  The good news is that visitors can adore those lovely creature in their natural habitat. Generally penguins love the cooler climate. - so that is the rea...

The Travelling New Zealand Specialist Travel Agent

Unique travel travel experiences away from the masses, can be hard to find nowadays. So, it's really worth finding a travel expert with real local knowledge about their part of the world. Only the travelling New Zealand specialist travel agent knows the country inside and out. Think about...

Wairaurahiri Jet adventure in Fiordland National Park

The southern Fiordland region along with Lake Hauruko, the Hump Ridge and the Waitutu Forest, is one of our top 10 New Zealand must-dos. And that is because it is a pristine area, well off from the main tourism tracks. In fact, much of this area is undiscovered and probably will remain that way. Deep in the heart of the Fiordland National Park, the  Wairaurahiri Jet adventure in Fiordland Natio...

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