Wairaurahiri Jet adventure in Fiordland National Park

The southern Fiordland region along with Lake Hauruko, the Hump Ridge and the Waitutu Forest, is one of our top 10 New Zealand must-dos. And that is because it is a pristine area, well off from the main tourism tracks. In fact, much of this area is undiscovered and probably will remain that way. Deep in the heart of the Fiordland National Park, the  Wairaurahiri Jet adventure in Fiordland Natio...

Travelling the Waikato Region

If you are visiting the North Island, it really does make sense to include travelling the Waikato region. And this is because the Waikato lies between Rotorua and Auckland (read more on those travel blogs). And for travellers, you will hav...

Exploring Taranaki – New Plymouth Attractions

Exploring Taranaki - New Plymouth Attractions is all about getting off the usual touristy route.  That, and having a relaxed breakfast overlooking a beautiful garden, has to be one of life's greatest pleasures.

Hosking House B&B in New Plymouth

For this very reason, we chose to stay at Hosking House...

Auckland Walking Tours with Aucky Walky

Most international travellers to New Zealand, will arrive in the City of Auckland. And after a long flight, it is a good idea to get out and explore the city, before you get that well earned sleep.  If you love boutique tours - or a private tour for just the two of you, then Auckland walking tours with Read More

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